To do this, choose Force Quit from the Apple. If you’ve been having trouble receiving text messages from iPhone users, Apple’s iMessage is probably at fault–especially if you recently switched from iPhone to Android, or something else.. Nov 11, 2018 Using the Messages app on the Mac, you can easily send and/or receive SMS text messages (normal text messages) and iMessages (Apple’s messaging service).
This problem most often occurs when you switch from an iPhone to another type of smartphone, but it.
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If you are having this issue as well (not sending or not receiving), here is how you can fix it: 1- Force quit Messages app and then reopen it.. To check if your phone number is set to send and receive messages, go to Settings Messages, and tap Send & Receive.. Mar 05, 2020 If you receive messages on one device but not the other If you have an iPhone and another iOS device, like an iPad, your iMessage settings might be set to receive and start messages from your Apple ID instead of your phone number. Nod32 For Mac Os
